
Wearing the Uniform

In general, every Cub Scout should wear his uniform to Cub Scouting activities, including den and pack meetings.

Other scout activities (range events, rocket launch, camping, field day, going to camp, or participating in other physical activities) a pack may opt to have the Cub Scouts wear an alternate uniform, such as a scout t-shirt. These are sometimes referred to as Class B uniforms.  

We try to note which uniform should be worn on the calendar on the homepage.

Uniform items can be purchased online or at the Simon Kenton Scout Shirt located at 807 Kinnear Rd Suite 120, Columbus, OH 43212. Take the insignia information with you so they can help you get the correct patches. If you have specific questions regarding uniforms, please contact pack leadership or your den leader. 

Insignia/Uniform Patch Information for Pack 489:

Typical Uniform Components by Den:

Please visit the scouting.org website for specific den uniform instructions. Uniforms have changed slightly starting the 2024-25 school year.